Monday, May 30, 2016

The Difference Between Acne and Cyst

Health • Acne

The Difference Between Acne and Cyst

Sep 01, 2011 • By  •
Acne is a skin abnormality that many of us suffer from (they love to form on the days when we have important events like hangouts, dates, or maybe the best one of all—job interviews). It's like they exist to cause annoyances in our lives. Unfortunately, some of us actually have chronic acne that can affect our appearance and self-confidence greatly.
It's crucial to figure out whether skin abnormalities are acnes or just something similar in appearance (like cysts) in order to get to the root of the problem.
People are often confused by the terms "acne," "cystic acne,"and "cyst" because people seem to think they can use them interchangeably. But the terms actually indicate different kinds of abnormalities. Acnes and cysts are two different types of skin condition people can suffer from but cystic acne refers to acne that can eventually lead to the formation of cysts.
But how can we identify which one's which? To begin, the term "acne" does not just refer merely to the hormonal acne that most of us suffer from since we've hit puberty. It covers all inflammation of the sebaceous glands (function is to produce oil). Hormonal acne is actually "cystic acne" (also affectionately known as acne vulgaris, pimple, zit, and spot). You will usually find cystic acne on parts of your body that has more sebaceous glands like your face, chest, back, and other areas that probably weren't the first to pop into your mind. Some unfortunate people actually get acne on their butts…not sure how many sebaceous glands we have in that area—I'll leave it at that.
There are other types of acne problems (caused by a skin condition known as "rosacea," cosmetics, and more). Cystic acne is just probably the most commonform of acne. It is important to be able to recognize the difference between acne and cyst because the two have very different implications. A cyst is actually a harmless tumor that has formed on your body. But it has a possibility of changing into something that can harm your body.
Though acne cysts are formed due to cystic acne problems, they can be something much more serious. Though acne cysts hurt when you touch it, the other cysts usually don't. They are smooth and soft to the touch. While we can see the ones that grow on our skin, they are actually capable of growing internally such as in your breast, on the surface of your kidney, and between your brain and cranium to name a few.
It's hard to notice the ones on the inside…mainly because you can't. But if you're not aching and hurting, you don't have much to worry about so don't freak out over something you can't see. If you identify a cyst on the surface of your skin, you should monitor it for any visible changes in size, color, texture, or anything else. Go see a doctor if you do notice anything. While some cysts go away naturally, others are a lot more stubborn and may require surgery to remove. The bottom line is, if you're bothered by any kind of skin abnormality, go see the doctor. They'll probably be able to make you feel better by telling you what it really is.
If you figure out what skin abnormalities you are suffering from, you can then target the core of the problem. Skin is a complicated organ and takes a lot of work to take care of because it's exposed to so many outside elements.

About the Author

Tia Carnley

Have you been confused about those terms as well? What experiences have you had with acnes and cysts? Discover more beauty tips and tricks...

How to Get Rid of Baby Acne

Health • Acne

How to Get Rid of Baby Acne

Sep 14, 2010 • By  • 337 Views
Baby acne is a common infant condition. Baby acne is most commonly near on the cheeks of a newborn, but can also be found on the forehead, chin, and even the back. It can be present at birth, but normally appears at 3 to 4 weeks of age. Baby Acne affects almost 20% of all newborn babies; an exact, proven cause has yet to be discovered. The passing of hormones from mother to baby in the last stages of pregnancy can precipitate occurrence of this condition.
The condition can look worse when the baby is weeping or fussy or any other example that increases blood flow to the skin. This condition tends to come and go until the infant is between 4 and 6 months old. Symptoms of baby acne cysts, pustules, scarring of the skin, whiteheads and redness and inflammation surrounding the skin eruptions.
Acne Baby Treatment
There are many types of treatment available to treat the acne. The types of acne treatment depend on the form of baby acne. Use soft cloth and mild soap for cleaning, be gentle, do not rub and grind. If the acne is severe or lasts beyond 6 months, your pediatrician may prescribe a mild medicine to help. BenzoylPeroxide lotion is very effective to remove acne from the skin. This lotion may be used in babies over 3 months old.
Baby Acne Remedies
Do not use the lotions and oils on the affected area of kid, since it can help increase acne and make it worse. An infant's skin is highly sensitive, and in the initially few weeks after the birth, many alters in the conditions occur. Don't make a grim situation of the normal changes and minor irritants. The ionic colloidal silver are that it reduces swelling, promotes healthy skin growth.
Baby Blue Light Therapy Device for Acne
Light therapy device uses blue spectrum wavelengths. Blue-light therapy is probably the best-known light therapy for acne treatment. Blue light works by fatling the acne-causing bacteria, P. acnes, and is being used to treat inflammatory acne vulgaris that has not responded to other acne therapies.
Eucerin Help Baby Acne
Eucerin work best in baby acne condition. Eucerin works down deep to open pores.

About the Author

Juliet Cohen

Juliet Cohen writes articles for Free Home Remedies. She also writes articles for beauty tips and women hairstyles. 

Cystic Acne - Pizza Face and Other Names

Cystic Acne - Pizza Face and Other Names

Sep 05, 2008 • By  • 1,147 Views
Usually everyone has had acne at sometime of his or her lives usually the adolescence stage. You may have suffered from white head, black head or pustules they all have the same medical term acne. Some kinds of acne have a very harmful affect on the emotional well being of an individual. These are cystic acne and individuals suffering from this kind are also referred to as pizza face as their faces have red spots around the acne.

Acne is the results of the blocked hair follicles. The hair follicles get blocked with bacteria and sebum in cystic acne. This blockage is deeper than simple acne therefore causes reddish tender skin around the hair follicle. The may have the pus filled. It was commonly believed that acne is caused due to poor hygiene, but this is not the whole truth. There are a number of reasons, which contribute to the outbreak of cystic acne.

Common Causes:

The exact infection, which results in the cystic acne, cannot be determined. This is because each infection may have an origin, which is different from another. Many researchers are of the opinion that cystic acne outbreak may have genetic factors also. The reasons being not many individuals have them but they sure seem to run in a family.

This kind of acne may also result in scarring more so if they are picked or squeezed. Picking or attempting to squeeze it out may also cause the infection to go deep into the skin and increase the intensity of the outbreak. As stated above, hygiene is not a contributing factor in the outbreak of cystic acne, but there is also a general consensus on the fact that food habits and environmental factors do contribute to cystic acne.

A bad case of cystic acne may be triggered by exposure to some toxins and also due to excessive secretion of some hormone in the body. Another substance, which is known to cause these painful and dirty looking cystic acne, is anabolic steroids. Adequate treatment and keeping away from these harmful substance help in controlling the undesirable cystic acne.


The most important part in the treating of cystic acne is not to pinch or squeeze them out. This will result in worsening of the situation. To help with all that tenderness and throbbing pain, a doctor should be consulted. The doctor will drain the pus with sterilized instrument and prescribe antibiotics for the infection.

When this method fails, other medication such as Accutane may be prescribed, this medication though helps but should be taken under medical supervision. In some people, regular exfoliation of the skin and face peeling seems to be quite effective. In many others, no particular treatment but a combination of all of the above yields satisfactory result.

About the Author

Jeremy Thompson

Jeremy Thompson is the author of this interesting article on cystic acne and types of severe acne.