Monday, May 30, 2016

Acne Home Remedies - 3 Effective But Outrageous Methods to Treat Acne

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Expert Author Zacky Lim
Acne is a problem that most people go through at one stage of their live. Although this is a natural process when we are going through puberty, it does not mean that it is pleasant. A sudden outbreak will cause the complexion on the face to suffer which will cause people to have low self confidence. Most people who have low self esteem will not be able to do things well socially and they might even avoid talking to the opposite sex before of the fear of rejection. Here are the 3 effective but outrageous acne home remedies that you can use.
Acne Home Remedies #1 - Making Use Of Toothpaste
You will just need to take a little of your toothpaste and apply to your face where there are zits or spot. Once you have applied it, you will need to leave it overnight. As you will be sleeping overnight, make sure that you are sleeping on an old pillow as it will cause stain on your pillow. You will need to rinse it off in the morning when you wake it. Do this once to twice weekly to see the effectiveness of this method.
Acne Home Remedies #2 - Making Use Of Cold Ice
This method will requires you to place crushed ice into a bag or you can use compact and place it on your face. This method works because it will help to reduce swelling and eliminate the clogged pores that cause the outbreak.
Acne Home Remedies #3 - Make Use Of Sandalwood Powder
For this method, you will need to mix one teaspoon of sandalwood powder, one teaspoon of turmeric and small amount of milk. Once the mixture is done, you will apply it to the infected area for 15 to 20 minutes. You will need to wash it off with warm water and pat dry. The effect is not immediate and you will need to do it a few more times before you can see the effectiveness of this method. You can do it as many times as you want as it is safe.
Here are the 3 effective acne home remedies that you can use to treat your problem instantly. Most of these methods will requires you to do it several times before you will be able to see the results. Be patient and continue to apply these methods so that you can see the improvement in you complexion.
And now I would like to offer you more effective and simple methods that are proven to work when you visit []
From Zacky Lim - The passionate and helpful friend who provide valuable acne information at []

Home Remedy For Acne - 3 Popular Methods That People Use to Instantly Treat Acne

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Expert Author Zacky Lim
Are you suffering from acne problem and you are looking for effective home remedy for acne? You will be shocked to know that the best method to treat this problem will not cost you much money and you will be able to get most of the ingredients you need from your home. Making use of drugs and creams will cause side effect so you will want to make use of natural home remedy method. Here are the 3 popular methods that people use to treat their problem.
Home Remedy For Acne #1 - Making Use Of Natural Fruit Juice
Many people have been making use of fruit juice to relieve the presence of painful of painful blackhead and external cysts. You can make use of fruit juice as tropical application. You can make this tropical application by mixing some cucumber or citric fruit juice with some almond oil. Once you have make this solution, you will want to apply to the area where acne exist for 15 minutes and rinse off with warn water when it become dry. You want to do this 2 to 3 times weekly so that you can see the effectiveness of this method.
Home Remedy For Acne #2 - Making Use Of Fenugreeks Leaf
The fenugreeks leaf is useful in preventing acne from happen instead of curing it. You will want to crush the leaves into small pieces and put inside a bowl so that you will be able to make a paste when you mix it with water. The next thing you do is to apply the paste to your face so that it will form like a mask. You will want to put it on overnight before removing the mask away. Do take note that you want to use an old pillow as the paste will leave a light stain on your pillow.
Home Remedy For Acne #3 - Making Use Of White Vinegar Treatment
This is a tropical treatment that works very well if you apply the method properly. You will want to take a piece of cotton, soak it into white vinegar and apply it to your infected are. You want to leave it there for 10 to 15 minutes. Once the time is up, you will need to wash it away with cold water. If you find that the vinegar is too strong, you can dilute the vinegar by mixing it with some water and apply the method. For this method to be effective, you will need to do it 2 to 3 times weekly.
These are the 3 popular methods that you can use to instantly treat your problem. They are very effective and it will not cost you much money to implement these methods. Try implementing it and you will see the effectiveness of these methods.
And now I would like to offer you more simple and effective methods to treat your acne problem when you visit []
From Zacky Lim - The passionate and helpful friend who provide valuable acne information at []

Acne Skin Care Tips - Know These Common Myths For Treating Acne

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Expert Author Melanie Vasseur
When it comes to treating acne, there are a lot of myths that claim using certain products will alleviate the acne. Here are some of the most popular myths:
1. Toothpaste - Toothpaste can help dry out acne, but also leaves the rest of the surrounding skin very dry and not healthy looking. Your skin can continue to break out no matter how dry it is. It may appear as though the toothpaste is working because it dries up the acne, but it does not get to the root of the problem and treat the acne. Toothpaste can also cause irritation, redness and skin sensitivity for up to months after using it on acne. It may even cause scarring or dermatitis. Toothpaste also weakens the skin cell's way to fight off free radicals, which can lead to more acne. Although it can dry out the acne, it is not worth the problems that can come from using it.
2. Visine - Visine can reduce the redness of the acne because it constricts the blood vessels, but it does not treat the cause of the acne.
3. Sun Damage before Age 18 - When you are 18, the amount of sun damage to your skin is about 18-23 percent which means that you still have plenty of time to prevent further sun damage to your skin.
4. Sun Exposure or Tanning to Reduce Acne - When you tan, it can appear that your acne looks improved, but tanning can actually cause the skin to produce more oils which can lead to further acne and breakouts. Some kinds of acne treatments can cause sensitivity to the skin and if you tan in tanning beds, even if they do not have UVB rays, they still contain UVA rays, which can damage the skin.
5. Oily Skin and Moisturizers - If you have oily skin, you may think that you should not use any moisturizers, but all types of skin need hydration and moisture that can protect it from the environment. In order to have healthy skin, you need to create a protective barrier for your skin through the use of moisturizers. If you do not use moisturizers, you are exposing your skin to harmful free radicals, which can make your skin look unhealthy and can damage the skin.
6. Exfoliating the Skin - Using exfoliates and scrubs on your skin when you have acne can actually damage the skin and make the acne worse if you use grainy scrubs. These harsh scrubs can actually cause more bacteria to enter the skin and cause further breakouts. You should look for products that contain alpha hydroxy acids and or beta hydroxy acids that contain papaya or other enzymes that can help break down the unhealthy skin cells. Be careful not to over exfoliate the skin as this can cause damage to the skin.
Melanie Vasseur is a renowned chemist, esthetician and the founder of Vasseur Skin Care. For more skin care tips and information visit or call 619-236-9095.